Keeping that fire....

by - April 05, 2017

Lets be serious and lets be real for a minute. I'm going to be 100% brutally honest on both men & women's side in this post. I was originally going to do this as one article in its entirety but I have decided to break it down into a few segments. Lets start the first segment setting the picture. I want you to read this and then think about it and remember the exact way you felt. If your reading this your obviously wondering where your relationship is heading or working on re-kindling the romance.
This is where it all began...

Ladies: Picture it- Here you are, in the hospital lights all dimmed ( or at least we had them that way I cant really remember its all still a little fuzzy). Doctors and nurses are bustling about frantically, your mister across the room weighing the little life you just brought into this world and still haven't seen quite yet. Your getting stitched up and all the while feeling a little drowsy because after all you just gave birth to a little life and all you can think about is " gee is this little guy normal i normal...does he have 10 fingers 10 toes, does he have a cleft lip, is he breathing, am i breathing, how did i survive that, oh wow its messy is he ever going to look at me the same way, what is going on why has no one placed him on my chest yet" and then the nurse brings your sweet little bundle over and places him on your chest ( or in your arms). They look up at you with those bright little eyes seeing the world for the first time, and wrap that tiny little hand around your finger and you just melt. Suddenly nothing, or no one in the entire world will ever mean quite as much to you as this tiny little miracle. You think alot of things at this point " okay well obviously God exists if this isn't proof than I don't know what is, what kind of a mother am i going to be, oh crap do they have 10 fingers and toes? Oh that's right I already asked that....then it hits you. OH um where is the amazing man that helped me bring this little angel into the world? You look up and there he is. Watching you watch your little baby with a look you've never seen across his face. You think " wow, this is love".

Gentlemen: Picture it= There you are hospital lights all dimmed ( or at least you think they were you cant really remember because your focusing on what is left of your hand) doctors and nurses are all bustling about frantically, your lady is across the room. Suddenly the doctor hands you the little life you made. He ( or she) looks up at you with those twinkling eyes. Your the very first person he has ever saw. Well besides the doctor because that lucky bastard got to hold him first. Speaking of that what happened to the days when our dads were our age and could catch them when we flew out?  I don't think i could have handled that ...Anyways, Wow. Your eyes well up a little bit so you fight back some tears ( or maybe let them fall depending on what kind of man you are). Your taking a moment to be able to weigh your little bundle of love so mama can have a 2 minute break.  Meanwhile your couting fingers, toes, limbs, and you hand him to the nurse to bring to his mama. You just realize you haven't been breathing so you take a breath and just let it all sink in. SO much is happening though that you really just cant think straight at all. All you know is the woman you love is okay, an now the baby is  so you just stand there a little numb among the whirlwind.  You look up and see her looking at the baby and you think " wow, this is love".

Pause! SCREEN SHOT! Its really unfortunate we cant screen shot moments like this and hang them on the wall for when we get home after the hospital. Because you have no idea...but your going to need to remember this moment in 4 months when the fourth trimester hits. That's right I said fourth trimester. I know tri typically means three but hang with me a moment. Its a real it! And it's at this point 3/4 months things start to change. ....

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