About Mama Bear

Welcome to A Mama Bears Tale, a lifestyle blog dedicated to all things photography and kiddo related! I'm Mama Bear, the blogger, publisher and all around boss babe on the site!

A Mama Bears Tale is all about loving yourself & your family, DIY projects to make your life a little bit easier, photography & graphic design goodies & tutorials, yummy recipes, and of course a bit of a excert from my own adorable little fairytale I am building from my life here nestled in the quiet coziness of Boise, Idaho area!

I like to think of A Mama Bears Tale as my own little corner of the Western World where the world can be just a ittle bit more beauitful! Theres so much chaos in the world anymore I feel blessed to be able to live an old fashioned life with my sweet little family. If I can share just a tiny little slice of my heaven with you and brighten your day I will consider it wonderful. I love the idea of an opportunity to share my little nook in the world with people that also love the things I do, and enjoy all the small things in life as well. Life is far too short to not be with darling people like yourself! By the way...Welcome to Cascade, Idaho in the picture above! Gorgeous eh?

Side note....I dont drink much Starbucks! We have lots of adorable little coffee houses here in the Treasure Valley and in fact I typically drink coffee at home now with my little Bear. However, I do love a Hazlenut Breve from time to time ;). So in addition to caffine, what inspired me to start A Mama Bears Tale? Life, love, happiness and the idea that I could hopefully make the world a little bit brighter space. Also, I would like to have a space where I can share with friends & family both near & afar things that our little storybook involves in a manner that I dont have to continually call and email as a new busy mama!
Yes, I am sporting my Broncos gear in the picture above! As a pervious Boise State student I never gave up my love for the Broncos. Also pictured is the big bad wolf of the family...aka Harlow the miniature Dachshund/ Jack Russel. Get used to seeing him! So when Im not blogging my name is Michelle or I also go by the nickname Mandie. :) One of the many joys of coming from a tiny western town is everyone has a nickname for you. Being the ONLY new kid to school during highschool I went through the entirety of my highschool experience not correcting anyone on the name Mandie. Haha. It was a big surprise on graduation day. Anyways, I didnt grow up here my entire life. I did however meet my prince charming here also, Devin. You will probably hear ALOT about him... Back to it though... I was born in Germany and raised an Army brat. While I LOVE the experience of traveling every year I am thankful to finally be at a point I can settle down. Im hoping to give my son the experience of growing up in a small town with the small town atmosphere. I wont release the little town due to obvious safety reasons but for now we will just call it Boise! ;) 
Fun Facts About Mama Bear & Her Blog:
  • Favorite color- Pink
  • Lucky Number- 8
  • Favorite Animal- Wolf
  • Favorite Tv Show- Big Bang Theory
  • Favorite Music- Country
  • Celebrity Crush- Jensen Ackles
  • Non-blog hobby- baby bear & photography
